Friday, 25 April 2008

Projecto II

Chegou a vez de compartir as fotos dos trabalhadores (ou não) dos meus alunos de 9º Ano.

(Não Daniela... não vou dizer o que estavas a fazer :P)


E o Projecto começou...

É verdade...agora no Externato Verney estamos com um projecto algo arrojado mas que vamos conseguir fazer... e tudo graças às minhas turmas de Área de Projecto. Aqui vos deixo algumas fotos para que comprovem o bom trabalho que os meus alunos fazem (quando querem)... por agora são só as do 7ºano... mas mais tarde porei mais...

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Quién soy?

Todos los dias me deparo con esta pregunta.. quien soy?
Todos los dias me veo como una persona diferente....
Y todos los dias sufro, lloro, rio y pienso.
Pero quien soy?

Sunday, 6 April 2008


What is bullying?
According to Wikipedia, bullying is " is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation."

Let's see some videos to really understand the problem...

Here it tells a story of "Sarah" who was being bullied by her schoolmates. She had the courage to tell her story... but there are some people who can't and eventually their story ends up in a different way of the one from Sarah's. Sarah told her parents and they told the police. The story ended up in there, although at the end of the video it tells that she will never be the same again. there are some kids who commit suicide because of the bullying, they lose their self-esteem.

Here's a video that was made to fight bullying...

The last video I put in here is a song that was written about a boy who comitted suicide because of being bullied. The song is written in the perspective of the boy.... try to understand it..

My question to you... why do people do that?