Thursday, 27 November 2008

Multicultural Society


Is our country a multicultural society? Explain.



Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determiner of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports (a common name for some card games and board games with little to no element of chance) and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors. Sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. Sports differ from Games based on levels of organization and profit (not always monetary). Accurate records are kept and updated, while failures and accomplishments are widely announced.


Different Types of Sports

1. Basketball

2. Soccer

3. American Football

4. Cricket

5. Golf

6. Tennis

7. Jogg

8. Ski /Snowbard

9. Surf

10. Gymnastics

11. Baseball

12. Hockey

13. Volleyball

14. Squash

15. Swimming

16. ...

Monday, 24 November 2008

En mi dia de Cumpleaños

Doy las gracias por todo lo q tengo ... aunque a veces no vemos bien lo q tenemos la verdad es que mientras tengamos familia y amigos, somos las personas mas ricas... porque tenemos todo... tenemos la felicidad plena.... yo os cuento que tengo la mejor familia y los mejores amigos q uno puede tener...

Muchas gracias a todos

Friday, 21 November 2008

Hoje estou virada "prás" artes...

Pois é... hoje passei a tarde a ver alguns díários gráficos de uns alunos de uma colega minha. Devo-vos dizer que há diários maravilhosos ( se pudesse haviam umas quantas páginas que tinha rasgado só porque gostei mesmo dos desenhos). Confesso que adoraria compartir uma turma com esta minha colega porque creio que faríamos uma bela dupla (diários gráficos com Inglês à mistura... iria ser maravilhoso) ... Infelizmente não é assim e por isso só posso ver (de longe) os magníficos trabalhos que os seus "artistas" (como ela própria os intitula) fazem. Que artistas!!!! A todos eles devo dar os meus sinceros parabéns porque são uns verdadeiros ARTISTAS. E como não tirei nenhuma foto (nem tão pouco rasguei páginas) vou "apenas" pôr uma obra de arte... algo que vi num deles e que a mim também me encanta.

"Scream" de Edvard Munch

E já que estou numa de falar desta minha colega.... Ana, não te esqueças do filme ( e para quem está a ler e pensa: "mas ela não vai ver isto" ... eu respondo: ai vai, vai que eu vou-lhe mandar o link :P)

Ahhhh... esqueci-de de dizer que terminei o meu longooo dia numa exposição maravilhosa de um colega nosso, José Assis, que está até 19 de Dezembro no CAO's. (em Odivelas). Vale a pena visitar.

Sunday, 16 November 2008


Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away


Thursday, 6 November 2008

It's never that easy

I wanted to go to Miami and I knew it would be hard. What I didnt know was that it would take me so less time to realize that I couldnt make it here. I thought that once I was settled, I would be ok... but I wasnt. I knew I should have given more time and all that but the problem is that... I know myself, if I dont like it at the beginning I will hardly like it afterwards. I wish I was different. I wish I could make it but I didnt. I feel such a looser, for giving up in such a short notice... but I have to. Otherwise, I would probably get sick. I will be ok at my country. And this taught me a lot... I will be a different person now in Portugal. I am sure of it.