This time I've asked my students to describe a place in the school and some of them really did a great work.
9º C
What is this place?
It's a place where the most of people like to be, where we can listen to music, speak about who comes around.
It has eight colourful benches and it gives access to six pavillions. We usually talk, laugh, dance, sing, drink and play in the table football.
What is this place?
Inês Abrantes, Íris Gonçalves, Maria Pena and Natacha Matias
The football field where we can't play
It's a big football field from school that can be rented for a period of time. Our Physical Education teacher never takes us there and we don't know why, but we think that it is because we don't behave well. We don't like our teacher because we would love playing there, it is the best place in school. This school is for noobs.
The first time we've played there, we only played like ten minutes and the girls played thirty minutes. This is so much wrong!!! It should be the other way. We have the gym. That's the place that our Physical Education teacher loves, we don't know why. We think it is so much stupid because we have that place. It is the worst place in the whole school and maybe in the whole world.
Juan Schleicher and Cristopher Silva
The football pitch
We see trees, buildings, people. It's very cold in this place, we see two pitches, and a lot of cars. We're talking about wheel chait and remember our wheel chair race where Zé is the champion.
We love being in this place because we love playing football and talking in here.
We see the other school, we can see people running, we're with other groups.
At 7 pm, we are going to futsal training. Our team is GDBD (Grupo Desportivo dos Bons Dias).
Our hands are freezing, we don't feel our legs because it is very cold. Zé is joking with João Costa and Paulo.
It's getting dark and now we can see the stars and the lights.
Rui Pereira, José Vaz and Paulo Fernandes
Physical Education building
I'm seeing a door... I love this door... It has a beautiful loker.
We are in the Physical Education building. Because we love this building. In here we have our favourite classes.
It's a cold place and we feel like real athlets. It's a cool place to be. Here we can buy cookies and chocolate.
It has some good chairs. We also have a table where we can read our mails. When somebody is hurt, this building has a first aid facility.
It's a colourful building. It has a good pitch. In this pitch it is played many sports: futsal, karate, basketball, volleyball and badminton.
In futsal the home team is BONS DIAS.
The teacher's room has a chair, a big table, some objects and a computer. We are looking to a poster that says: "As bolachas que te fazem voar."
This has some stairs that are going to the second floor. In here, we have a classroom and other rooms that have futsal balls. This building has a lot of lokers.
There are about 55 lokers.
We just love this place...
Filipe Baltasar and Mahomed Gani