Tuesday, 30 December 2008

My first Trial

Finally I have tried my tablet pc... it's a little bit hard but nothing that can't be solved with a little practice...
Here is my drawing... PLEASE REMEMBER that it is my FIRST trial in this ...

Monday, 29 December 2008

Sites that may be helpful

When we are teachers we may need to read some articles in order to improve our classes... I have searched the internet and found some real good ideas...
So far... what I have found...

Mr Warner is a teacher who shows us his techniques...


A useful blog


To create comics


About wikispaces


Teaching ideas


Newspaper creations




Monday, 22 December 2008

Teenager Stress

Teenagers... feel very strong, are crazy for several things, the passion puts young teenagers... different, with different things and stress.
Many teenagers leads to smoke tobacco, drugs... or others who may feel the thing.
Being a teenager is the most complicated feeling in the world.

Susana Guedes, 9ºB of Escola Secundária da Ramada

My comment to this essay:

I loved it!!!
Being a teenager can be and is really complicated but it is also the time that you can enjoy life. You have your friends, your family, you may sometimes relax and feel the moment. Enjoy life! CARPE DIEM!

My school

This time I've asked my students to describe a place in the school and some of them really did a great work.

9º C
What is this place?
It's a place where the most of people like to be, where we can listen to music, speak about who comes around.
It has eight colourful benches and it gives access to six pavillions. We usually talk, laugh, dance, sing, drink and play in the table football.
What is this place?
Inês Abrantes, Íris Gonçalves, Maria Pena and Natacha Matias

The football field where we can't play

It's a big football field from school that can be rented for a period of time. Our Physical Education teacher never takes us there and we don't know why, but we think that it is because we don't behave well. We don't like our teacher because we would love playing there, it is the best place in school. This school is for noobs.
The first time we've played there, we only played like ten minutes and the girls played thirty minutes. This is so much wrong!!! It should be the other way. We have the gym. That's the place that our Physical Education teacher loves, we don't know why. We think it is so much stupid because we have that place. It is the worst place in the whole school and maybe in the whole world.
Juan Schleicher and Cristopher Silva

The football pitch

We see trees, buildings, people. It's very cold in this place, we see two pitches, and a lot of cars. We're talking about wheel chait and remember our wheel chair race where Zé is the champion.
We love being in this place because we love playing football and talking in here.
We see the other school, we can see people running, we're with other groups.
At 7 pm, we are going to futsal training. Our team is GDBD (Grupo Desportivo dos Bons Dias).
Our hands are freezing, we don't feel our legs because it is very cold. Zé is joking with João Costa and Paulo.
It's getting dark and now we can see the stars and the lights.
Rui Pereira, José Vaz and Paulo Fernandes
Physical Education building

I'm seeing a door... I love this door... It has a beautiful loker.
We are in the Physical Education building. Because we love this building. In here we have our favourite classes.
It's a cold place and we feel like real athlets. It's a cool place to be. Here we can buy cookies and chocolate.
It has some good chairs. We also have a table where we can read our mails. When somebody is hurt, this building has a first aid facility.
It's a colourful building. It has a good pitch. In this pitch it is played many sports: futsal, karate, basketball, volleyball and badminton.
In futsal the home team is BONS DIAS.
The teacher's room has a chair, a big table, some objects and a computer. We are looking to a poster that says: "As bolachas que te fazem voar."
This has some stairs that are going to the second floor. In here, we have a classroom and other rooms that have futsal balls. This building has a lot of lokers.
There are about 55 lokers.
We just love this place...
Filipe Baltasar and Mahomed Gani

Monday, 15 December 2008

Andando a "blogar"...

Encontrei um muito bonito... tem ideias maravilhosas e quem tem jeito para estas coisas... porque não se inspirar?


Maravilhoso mesmo. ;)

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Cloze dictogloss

Idea taken from the book "Grammar Games" from Mario Rinvolucri

Some of you will surely ask what is a Cloze dictogloss... to my Ss it was also the first time but I think that they liked it... and they did some great effort.

Cloze dictogloss -- I read a poem (just once or twice) and students have to write all the words they can. Then, I give them the poem with some missing words (it could be verbs, pronouns, nouns or other words) and with the words they have, they have to write their poem.

Here are my Students' poems (a note: you were lucky because I didn't take pictures ;))
Note 2: Some of them don't make much sense... but that's the beauty of poetry, isn't?

Whenever I see
A new group of buildings
Impatient to grow up
How slow they grow at first.
The kids are so far ahead,
almost out of sight.
The kids see the night
go up
You think slow
And talk to grow
The night seemed long.
Whenever I see
a new sun rising
is so good
Impatient waiting
How slow was at first
The sun so far ahead,
above- the sea level
Almost out of energy.
Then, overnight, the moon shines
There are millions of stars
Up there among the best of souls
Zé Pedro
Whenever I see a new
Block go up
I think us kids
in passion to grow
it slows the
others so far ahead
- almost out
of sight.
(would we reach your height)
Then, overnight, up there
we are the
best of them
we stop on the
top of
our separate buildings.
Walking Tall
Whenever I see
A new block go up
I think of us as kids,
Impatient to grow;
How slow it seemed at first,
The others so far ahead,
Almost out of sight.
(would we ever reach your height)
Then, overnight,
There we were
Up there among the best of them,
And there we remain -
Stuck on the top
Of our separate buildings.
Alan Maley

Friday, 5 December 2008

Some Students poems...

I asked one of my classes to write a poem according to a picture given. Some of them were shy and didn't want to write but the ones that did write, did something special. Some of them had some corrections (hope you don't mind). :)

Thanks 9º B

In the picture I see a woman
with a jar in her head
I don't know what she is thinking
But I do know one thing
I know what she's feeling
She's worried about her children.

António Henriques
Raquel Nogueira

This woman is Indian
and she is seeing
a lion
and her daughter
is hidden behind her
because she's scared

Diogo Sousa
Susana Guedes

In this strange place
Two young Indian girls
Live in harmony with a native tribe
Why can't we live in harmony
with strange people of our country?
Luís Certa

Nothing changes love
Love is protection, equality
comprehension and searching
Searching to be better to special ones.
Love is a supreme power.
Ana Elisa Jesus

That Indian woman
Is concerned about something
Her daughter is scared
Someone is dying
Is it her grandmother
That she cares a lot about?
Her concerned mother
Is also crying because of that.

A special woman is scared
with what she sees in the horizon
She hides from the attacks of other religions and
puts her child beside her.
The sheeps staying, hiding too from the other's eyes
Waiting that the attack ends.
Horizon disappears
João Silva

In the picture we can see a woman
She's holding a jar in her head
She's looking at the horizon
She's surrounded by sheep.
There's a little girl next to her
She's grabbing her dress.
Waiting for her to say or do something
But she isn't.
Shams Valibhai
Gonçalo Rodrigues

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

I'm happy

Maybe for some people this is just another thing but to me it is special. As said before in this forum, Ive read all Isabel Allende's book except one : Ines da minha Alma. Well, the other day I've written to her and said I was a huge fan of her writing and if she could give me an autograph. Imagine my feeling when today, when I went to the mailbox, I saw a package with a book... and then I saw.. ISABEL ALLENDE.... Yes, she offered me a book signed by her. She is really something isn't she? Im looking forward to her last novel... I will surely read it. And for now... I will read this one which will be the most Special one.

Monday, 1 December 2008

La Misma Luna / Under The Same Moon

I don't usually recommend a movie but this one I have to... It is one of the best ones I've ever seen.... as the trailer says
" Es una historia de esperanza, de fortaleza, y de lazos de amor entre una madre y su hijo que jamás podrá ser roto."
The bad thing is that it is in Spanish so people who can't understand Spanish... cannot understand it totally... mainly because it's the Spanish from Mexico... which is a little bit different from the one of Spain. But I really hope thay people see it because it is really great.

Trailer In Spanish (with English subtitles)