Friday 5 December 2008

Some Students poems...

I asked one of my classes to write a poem according to a picture given. Some of them were shy and didn't want to write but the ones that did write, did something special. Some of them had some corrections (hope you don't mind). :)

Thanks 9º B

In the picture I see a woman
with a jar in her head
I don't know what she is thinking
But I do know one thing
I know what she's feeling
She's worried about her children.

António Henriques
Raquel Nogueira

This woman is Indian
and she is seeing
a lion
and her daughter
is hidden behind her
because she's scared

Diogo Sousa
Susana Guedes

In this strange place
Two young Indian girls
Live in harmony with a native tribe
Why can't we live in harmony
with strange people of our country?
Luís Certa

Nothing changes love
Love is protection, equality
comprehension and searching
Searching to be better to special ones.
Love is a supreme power.
Ana Elisa Jesus

That Indian woman
Is concerned about something
Her daughter is scared
Someone is dying
Is it her grandmother
That she cares a lot about?
Her concerned mother
Is also crying because of that.

A special woman is scared
with what she sees in the horizon
She hides from the attacks of other religions and
puts her child beside her.
The sheeps staying, hiding too from the other's eyes
Waiting that the attack ends.
Horizon disappears
João Silva

In the picture we can see a woman
She's holding a jar in her head
She's looking at the horizon
She's surrounded by sheep.
There's a little girl next to her
She's grabbing her dress.
Waiting for her to say or do something
But she isn't.
Shams Valibhai
Gonçalo Rodrigues

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