Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Reflection.... disappointment...

It comes all to my mind.... I need to think positive... I know that.... but it is easier to say than to do, right? I feel that my life is pointless. My niece is what makes me live. If it wasn't for her? No, you know what? Not even that, I have to live, there's no point in saying that it is for this or that. I live because I have to. The problem is that I don't live... I survive. Everyday I survive to another day. Everyday I wake up with the same feeling, the feeling of emptiness, that my life is useless. What should I do?

Nothing right? There's nothing I can do. Or maybe there is but I'm just to lazy to do it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello again miga,
k raio de desmoralização é esta??hein?!!não gosto e há tta coisa que podes fazer pa não ter estes 'vazios'. linda, como tb aconselhas porque não escreveres?fazer exercicio, ir pa rua simplesmente, meter-te com kem calha, sei lá...tudo menos esse negativismo.e acredita k a tua vida vale muito mais k esses momentos tristes, só é pena esses gajos doidos por ai não se darem conta do k perdem!!!
jinhos grsndes