Thursday, 6 December 2012

And somehow saying goodbye isn't easy

Been here over a year and I've learnt so much that somehow saying goodbye isn't easy. Mexico is an excellent country and beeing away, being here, made me grow up. Let's take a look to what I've learnt: I've learnt that not all people who surrounds you is a friend, all lies eventually fall apart ( I figured quite a few from some friends) that when people say "I want to help you" they may not really mean it... I discovered a lot of lovely places I really loved like Chapultepec, the coffee place where we take our coffee ( and yeah ... I mean us), I discovered what is to feel something for a boy again (long time) ... To feel nervous everytime he makes a pass... I discovered that I just love theatre and I really want to work on sth related to show business... I laughed a lot, cried a lot too, drank (not so much), slept, fell and rise again... I felt depressed, I felt happy, I felt alone and with lot of people... I felt everything... And nothing. I miss home but I will sure miss Mexico. Thank you Mexico for the lovely stay you made me feel :)
Yep... Somehow it is really really hard to say goodbye ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Fiona Apple’s Moving Letter To Fans About Her Ailing Dog, Janet.

Fiona Apple’s Moving Letter To Fans About Her Ailing Dog, Janet.

Today’s cool thing of the day isn’t so much “cool” as in “hey that’s fun”, but more that I think it’s so cool that Fiona Apple shared so much about the painful reason she’s postponing her South American Tour. The reason is so she can be there when her best friend, her dog Janet, “stops being a dog, and instead, [becomes] part of everything.” But as her moving, four-page, handwritten letter makes clear, Janet is no ordinary dog. And the letter makes clear what we kind of already know, Fiona Apple is no ordinary songwriter.

Here’s the text of that letter:

It’s 6pm on Friday,and I’m writing to a few thousand friends I have not met yet.
I am writing to ask them to change our plans and meet a little while later.
Here’s the thing.
I have a dog Janet, and she’s been ill for almost two years now, as a tumor has been idling in her chest, growing ever so slowly. She’s almost 14 years old now.I got her when she was 4 months old. I was 21 then ,an adult offi

cially - and she was my child.
She is a pitbull, and was found in Echo Park, with a rope around her neck, and bites all over her ears and face.
She was the one the dogfighters use to puff up the confidence of the contenders.
She’s almost 14 and I’ve never seen her start a fight ,or bite, or even growl, so I can understand why they chose her for that awful role. She’s a pacifist.
Janet has been the most consistent relationship of my adult life, and that is just a fact.
We’ve lived in numerous houses, and jumped a few make shift families, but it’s always really been the two of us.
She slept in bed with me, her head on the pillow, and she accepted my hysterical, tearful face into her chest, with her paws around me, every time I was heartbroken, or spirit-broken, or just lost, and as years went by, she let me take the role of her child, as I fell asleep, with her chin resting above my head.
She was under the piano when I wrote songs, barked any time I tried to record anything, and she was in the studio with me all the time we recorded the last album.
The last time I came back from tour, she was spry as ever, and she’s used to me being gone for a few weeks every 6 or 7 years.
She has Addison’s Disease, which makes it dangerous for her to travel since she needs regular injections of Cortisol, because she reacts to stress and to excitement without the physiological tools which keep most of us from literally panicking to death.
Despite all of this, she’s effortlessly joyful and playful, and only stopped acting like a puppy about 3 years ago.
She’s my best friend and my mother and my daughter, my benefactor, and she’s the one who taught me what love is.
I can’t come to South America. Not now.
When I got back from the last leg of the US tour, there was a big, big difference.
She doesn’t even want to go for walks anymore.
I know that she’s not sad about aging or dying. Animals have a survival instinct, but a sense of mortality and vanity, they do not. That’s why they are so much more present than people.
But I know that she is coming close to point where she will stop being a dog, and instead, be part of everything. She’ll be in the wind, and in the soil, and the snow, and in me, wherever I go.
I just can’t leave her now, please understand.
If I go away again, I’m afraid she’ll die and I won’t have the honor of singing her to sleep, of escorting her out.
Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes to pick which socks to wear to bed.
But this decision is instant.
These are the choices we make, which define us.
I will not be the woman who puts her career ahead of love and friendship.
I am the woman who stays home and bakes Tilapia for my dearest, oldest friend.
And helps her be comfortable, and comforted, and safe, and important.
Many of us these days, we dread the death of a loved one. It is the ugly truth of Life, that keeps us feeling terrified and alone.
I wish we could also appreciate the time that lies right beside the end of time.
I know that I will feel the most overwhelming knowledge of her, and of her life and of my love for her, in the last moments.
I need to do my damnedest to be there for that.
Because it will be the most beautiful, the most intense, the most enriching experience of life I’ve ever known.
When she dies.
So I am staying home, and I am listening to her snore and wheeze, and reveling in the swampiest, most awful breath that ever emanated from an angel.
And I am asking for your blessing.

I’ll be seeing you.
Love, Fiona

Monday, 15 October 2012


Today I went to see a play and I found it regular... Can't say it was really bad but it wasn't good either. So far so good... The problem was when I was on the car with two friends and they said that people who are fan don't mind to see a bad play just in order to see their idol... I couldn't believe in what they were saying but the fact is... It's true... We tend to like everything our idol does... Even if it is bad... We criticize others but when is our idol we like everything... Shouldn't be otherwise? I mean, of course if your idol is in a play you will go and see it... That is normal, I would do that too of course ... But to say "I loved it" just because ur idol is on it when it was not good? Really? Where is our judgement? How come if your idol is on that role you like it? As a fan we should be more critic and if we don't like, we should say it... In fact, ur idol should thank u for that because they can't posible think they do everything right like fans tend to say... So if there is a fan who say "u know what, I don't like u on this scene, novela, play, whatever" they should thank them and ask "why"? And work from there... We as fans tend to ask little from our idols... And they don't even care about our opinion ... If u go to twitter u hardly see a personality retweeting a bad critic... Or answer a bad comment... Too bad we, as fans, tend to be happy with so less... And people... That's why networks or productors do so bad productions... Because if they have an actor who has lots of fans they dont even need to bother to do a good thing... Woww right?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, 5 October 2012

World Teacher's day

Congrats to all of us... I still feel like a teacher, think like a teacher and AM a teacher, though I took a short time to myself. Being a teacher is the best you can be when Ss really want to learn. There's nothing better to see a class motivated and eager to learn. Too bad that lately this kind of class is really hard to find. CONGRATS TO ALL MY FRIENDS WHO ARE STILL TRYING TO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

E a vida surpreende-te

Há um ano atrás vi para México ilusionada e sabendo o que queria. Sempre fui de correr atrás embora sempre tive medo de arriscar. Muitas vezes quis desistir e muitas vezes estive para regressar a Portugal, decepcionada comigo mesmo... Mas não o fiz... Por uma ou outra razão não regressei... Decepcionei-me com algumas pessoas que fingiram ser amigas, decepcionei-me comigo, decepcionei aos meus pais e irmã... E todos os dias pensava... (Em espanhol) que carajos estoy haciendo aqui? Mas Deus escreve direito por linhas tortas e hoje pode-se dizer que entendo (um pouco isso) ... Todas as desilusões fizeram-me crescer... Aprendi a ser mais forte ( ou menos frágil), aprendi que nem sempre as coisas são como queres mas sim como têm de ser. Hoje entendo tudo isso porque hoje comecei uma nova etapa... Um novo projecto... E, ainda que possa não dar certo, é uma nova esperança. Obrigada Deus por não me dares as coisas de mão beijada (pelo menos não desta vez) e ensinares-me que as coisas que ganhas porque lutaste sabem melhor... Obrigada pelos nãos que escutei, que na altura não entendia mas que hoje consigo ver claramente o porque dos mesmos... Obrigada pela família que tenho porque apesar de tudo ai estão, apoiando-me...
E obrigada por pores na minha vida gente que realmente é como uma segunda família para mim. OBRIGADA DEUS!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, 13 September 2012

What am I doing?

Sometimes life puts you some difficult tasks on your way towards the success (?)... one of them is putting in your life people who pretend to be your friend and they are not. This year it is happening to me a lot... by now, I really think that it is my problem, it must be. It is really hard to find out that the person that said he would be there is not, is betraying you behind your back.Funny thing is that you trust so much on that person that when you realize that, you already lost some things in your life that were important. 
Mexico made me grow up, made me a little bit stronger and taught me on hard way that things are not easy, and you may not get what you want (this my friends, it's kinda new to me because I have always fought for what I want and got it)
And then my whole world falls apart and I wonder: What am I doing?

Monday, 20 August 2012

A year ago....

I was stepping (cannot say for the first time) México. This year I decided to stay and try to live here. Not easy though... the first month was really hard, after that hard was to see the days go by and me without a job to stay. Made some acquaintaces (cannot say friends entirely) and I believe I really grew up in some aspects of my life. But things aren't easy, still aren't. I have now a job that I like but not exactly what I want and sometimes I really ask... Why am I here? What is the point of being here? Maybe God is putting me lots of obstacles in my way in order for me to be stronger, maybe I am becoming stronger. But I am also down a lot, I can't really say I have many friends in here and yes... sometimes I feel really lonely, I want to talk to someone and don't have with whom. I am not an easy person (totally aware of that) ... But hey... today should be of celebrating (?) and not sadness. Cheers to me and thanks México for the change in my life

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Sei que nunca terei o que procuro...

Sei que nunca terei o que procuro
E que nem sei buscar o que desejo,
Mas busco, insciente, no silêncio escuro
E pasmo do que sei que não almejo.

Fernando Pessoa


"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. 
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. 

Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. 

Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. 

Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. 

Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. 

Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. 

It was never between you and them anyway."

Madre Teresa

Vem sentar-te comigo... de Ricardo Reis

Vem sentar-te comigo, Lídia, à beira do rio.
Sossegadamente fitemos o seu curso e aprendamos
Que a vida passa, e não estamos de mãos enlaçadas.
(Enlacemos as mãos).

Depois pensemos, crianças adultas, que a vida
Passa e não fica, nada deixa e nunca regressa,
Vai para um mar muito longe, para o pé do Fado,
Mais longe que os deuses.

Desenlacemos as mãos, porque não vale a pena cansarmo-nos.
Quer gozemos, quer não gozemos, passamos como o rio.
Mais vale saber passar silenciosamente.
E sem desassossegos grandes.

Ricardo Reis


- Não gosto de pretos [...].
- Dos brancos?
- Também não [...]. Eu gosto de homens que não tem raça.

Mia Couto, in Terra Sonâmbula

Via Associação de Palavras en Facebook (

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Quando penso...

Quando penso que uma palavra pode mudar tudo
Não fico mudo: Mudo.
Quando penso que um passo descobre o mundo
Não paro o passo: Passo.
E assim que passo e mudo
Um novo mundo nasce.

Alice Ruiz

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Aquel día decidí triunfar

“Y así, después de tanto esperar, un día como cualquier otro decidí triunfar.
Aquel día decidí triunfar...

Decidí no esperar a las oportunidades, sino yo mismo buscarlas. Decidí ver cada problema como la oportunidad de encontrar la solución. Decidí ver cada desierto como la oportunidad de encontrar un oasis. Decidí ver cada noche como un misterio a resolver. Decidí ver cada día como una oportunidad para ser feliz.
Aquel día descubrí que mi único rival no era más que mis propias debilidades, y que en éstas se encuentra la única y mejor forma de superarme.
Aquel día dejé de temer perder y empecé a temer no ganar. Descubrí que yo no era el mejor y que quizá nunca lo fui. Me dejó de importar quién ganara o perdiera; ahora me importa simplemente saberme mejor que ayer.
Aprendí que lo difícil no es llegar a la cima, sino estar siempre subiendo.
Aprendí que el mejor triunfo que puedo lograr es el derecho de llamar a alguien “Amigo”.
Descubrí que el amor es más que un simple estado de enamoramiento; el amor es una filosofía de vida.
Aquel día dejé de ser el reflejo de mis escasos triunfos pasados y empecé a ser mi propia tenue luz de este presente. Aprendí que de nada sirve ser luz si no vas a iluminar también el camino de los demás.
Aquel día decidí cambiar tantas cosas…
Aquel día aprendí que los sueños son solamente para hacerse realidad.
Desde aquel día ya no duermo para descansar… ahora simplemente duermo para soñar.”
—Walt Disney

Gracias al blog de:

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Ainda bem de Marisa Monte

Adorei, o que não é raro porque adoro as canções de Marisa Monte.

Ainda bem
Que agora encontrei você
Eu realmente não sei
O que eu fiz pra merecer
Porque ninguém
Dava nada por mim
Quem dava, eu não tava a fim
Até desacreditei
De mim
O meu coração
Já estava acostumado
Com a solidão
Quem diria que a meu lado
Você iria ficar
Você veio pra ficar
Você que me faz feliz
Você que me faz cantar
O meu coração
Já estava aposentado
Sem nenhuma ilusão
Tinha sido maltratado
Tudo se transformou
Agora você chegou
Você que me faz feliz
Você que me faz cantar

Friday, 11 May 2012

Para ti, "Jeca"

Chegaste à minha vida há 9 anos e quase 3 meses e desde aí a minha vida começou a ter outro sentido. Lembro-me de tantos pequenos momentos que vivimos e de tantas coisas que passámos juntas e sei que em um futuro próximo retomaremos esses pequenos momentos. Lembro-me do primeiro dia que começaste a andar, o teu primeiro dia de escola, quando te caiu o primeiro dente, a primeira vez que me disseste que me amavas. Lembro-me que, quando bebé, confundias-me com a tua mãe e lembro-me de como não te gostavam as festas. Desde que chegaste à minha vida que muitas coisas que faço ou deixo de fazer são por e para ti. Nunca te contei isto mas às vezes, quando estás a dormir comigo, eu abraço-te e começo a chorar porque tenho medo de não conseguir proteger-te, de não conseguir impedir que sofras. Mas o sofrimento faz parte das aprendizagens da vida e sei que és uma pessoa forte que vai aprender com isso. Quero que saibas que penso sempre em ti e que, de alguma maneira, o que eu faço é também por ti. Amo-te muito, do tamanho do universo e para mim serás sempre uma das pessoas mais importantes da minha vida.


As some of you know I am in México and I really love to be here. The thing is that it is not being easy. Nothing is, I know, but it seems that everyday I have to go across some new change, some new obstacle, something that puts me in doubt of what am I doing. I know that we all learn with our mistakes, our choices so the question is: Am I doing the right thing? Is this what I really want? And the worst question that is always in my mind: What do I really want? Right now I have not a damn clue what I really want. I do have some ideas, some plans but they don't seem to get the way I want. Should I keep trying or should I give up once and for all? I am confused, I mean, like I said once to a friend of mine: "Don't try to understand me because I can't understand myself so it will be hard for others to understand me." I just ask help and not accusations or recriminations. It is hard all this that I'm facing, it really is. And now another obstacle came along and I really don't know what to do. Guess giving up is like the best option. Is it?

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Castle final scene of Beckett and Castle - Finally they are together

The scene we've all been waiting for 4 years. THEY ARE TOGETHER. What a great ending to this season. Waiting for season 5

"Everything eventually ends"

"There's a universal truth we all have to face whether we want to or not.
Everything eventually ends.
As much as I've looked forward to this day, I've always disliked endings:
The last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with a close friend
But endings are inevitable: leaves fall, you close the book, you say goodbye.
Today is one of those days for us.
Today we say goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable.
We're moving on. But just because we're leaving and that hurts
There are some people who are so much a part of us
they'll be with us no matter what.
They are our solid ground, our North star and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us... always."
Castle daughter's final speech

And the background music which I loved it too

Friday, 13 April 2012

Resistance by Muse

Is your secret safe tonight?
And are we out of sight?
Or will our world come tumbling down?

Will they find our hiding place?
Is this our last embrace?
Or will the walls start caving in?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
But it should've been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
Let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
Are we digging a hole?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
This is outta control

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
It could never last
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
But it could've been right
(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance
They keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down
And hold me, our lips must always be sealed

If we live our life in fear
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again

Kill your prayers for love and peace
You'll wake the thought police
We can hide the truth inside

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
But it should've been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
Let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
Are we digging a hole?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
This is outta control

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
It could never last
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong)
But it could've been right
(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance!
They keep us apart and won't stop breaking us down
And hold me, our lips must always be sealed

The night has reached its end
We can't pretend
We must run
We must run
It's time to run

Take us away from here
Protect us from further harm

"Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will."
 Dr. Robert Anthony

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Cinema Paradiso

So, I've just seen this movie and what can I say? It is great: the story, the actors, the soundtrack, everything... you have to watch it ... otherwise you cannot understand why I liked it so much

Inteligencia emocional en la educación



1. ¿Qué es la Inteligencia Emocional?

La Inteligencia Emocional, un término difundido mundialmente por el periodista y escritor Daniel Goleman, es la capacidad de:
1) Sentir
2) Entender
3) Controlar y
4) Modificar
     estados anímicos
a) Propios y
b) Ajenos.

Las habilidades prácticas que se desprenden de la Inteligencia Emocional son cinco, y pueden ser clasificadas en dos áreas: 

2) INTELIGENCIA INTERPERSONAL (externas, de relación) 

Al primer grupo pertenecen tres habilidades: 

a) La autoconciencia (capacidad de saber qué está pasando en nuestro cuerpo y qué estamos sintiendo) 

b) El control emocional (regular la manifestación de una emoción y/o modificar un estado anímico y su exteriorización). 

c) La capacidad de motivarse y motivar a los demás.

Al segundo grupo pertenecen dos habilidades:
a) La empatía (entender qué están sintiendo otras personas, ver cuestiones y situaciones desde su perspectiva), y 

b) Las habilidades sociales (habilidades que rodean la popularidad, el liderazgo y la eficacia interpersonal, y que pueden ser usadas para persuadir y dirigir, negociar y resolver disputas, para la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo). 

2. ¿De qué manera puedo utilizar la Inteligencia Emocional para ayudar a mis alumnos a estudiar y aprender eficazmente?


La buena disposición de un niño o un adolescente, en la escuela, depende del más básico de todos los conocimientos, el de CÓMO aprender. En un informe del National Center for Clinical Infant Programs de los EE.UU., del año 1992, se cita una lista de siete ingredientes claves de esta capacidad crucial, todos ellos relacionados con la Inteligencia Emocional:
1. CONFIANZA. La sensación de controlar y dominar el propio cuerpo, las sensaciones que se experimentan y la comprensión del mundo; la sensación del niño de que lo más probable es que no fracase en lo que se propone, y de que los adultos serán amables.
2. CURIOSIDAD. La sensación de que descubrir cosas es algo positivo y conduce al placer.
3. INTENCIONALIDAD. El deseo y la capacidad de producir un impacto, y de actuar al respecto con persistencia. Esto está relacionado con una sensación de competencia, de ser eficaz.
4. AUTOCONTROL. La capacidad de modular y dominar las propias acciones de maneras apropiadas a la edad; una sensación de control interno.
5. RELACIÓN. La capacidad de comprometerse con otros, basada en la sensación de ser comprendido y de comprender a los demás.
6. CAPACIDAD DE COMUNICACIÓN. El deseo y la capacidad de intercambiar verbalmente ideas, sentimientos y conceptos con los demás. Esto está relacionado con una sensación de confianza en los demás y de placer en comprometerse con los demás, incluso con los adultos.
7. COOPERATIVIDAD. La capacidad de equilibrar las propias necesidades con las de los demás en una actividad grupal.

3. ¿Qué papel  juega en el aprendizaje la buena comunicación con sus alumnos?
En el proceso educativo, los conocimientos no se trasladan de una máquina a otra, como ocurre en las redes de computación. Se traslada, como es obvio, de una persona a otra persona. Y cada persona es una entidad que tiene un cuerpo y una mente. En esa mente, se producen operaciones intelectuales, pero también hay movimientos emocionales y afectivos. Y éstos contribuyen -o perjudican- a la adquisición de conocimientos.

La comunicación es el acto central de la vida humana, y es el acto central de la educación. Los especialistas de todo el mundo coinciden en que el aprendizaje se da no sólo en una dimensión intelectual, sino también en una emocional, afectiva y de relación.

La actitud de un profesor al comunicar los conocimientos o manejar la disciplina influye -para bien o para mal- en el aprendizaje de sus alumnos.

Es un hecho que hablar de neutralidad psicológica, no deja de ser un bello deseo. Un profesor auténtico, al implicarse de lleno en la actuación pedagógico-educativa, en lo que dice, en lo que hace, en lo que exterioriza mediante el estilo o el proceso de enseñanza que elige, con la mirada que lanza o el gesto que inicia, logra que su mensaje sea interiorizado de modo diferente y en distinto grado, no sólo de acuerdo con el desarrollo psicológico e intelectual, sino también según sean las vivencias emocionales, afectivas y sociales de cada uno de los alumnos.

La Inteligencia Emocional, con cada una de sus habilidades prácticas, ayuda en el proceso de la educación abarcando todos los aspectos de la misma. Pero todo depende del principio de la autenticidad.

Al ser la autenticidad la necesidad más profunda del equilibrio psíquico, deberá ser también la característica dominante de la personalidad de todo profesor. Sólo ella llevará al educador a la aceptación de sí mismo y de los demás, y se convertirá en el fundamento de todo acto relacionante o comunicativo.
Un profesor así:
·      no se verá precisado a desviarse de sus propios
·      se presentará tal cual es;
·      será receptivo;
·      no impondrá a los demás sus sentimientos;
·      no mostrará actitudes defensivas ni prejuicios en
                relación con nadie;
·      ya no tendrá que hacer esfuerzos para parecer
                diferente de lo que es, sino sólo para cambiar y llegar a ser ante todo aquello que puede ser.

Esta disponibilidad psicológica y afectiva de apertura, sensibilidad y de cambio, conduce al profesor a comprometerse completamente en la situación pedagógica, a entregar su totalidad a aquello que cree, dice, hace y es.

Su pedagogía pasa entonces a convertirse en una experiencia vivida, en una "aventura interior", ya que ésta se va a presentar como un proceso de transformación, cambio y evolución donde se integran todos los aspectos educativos: actuar, reflexionar, relacionarse y crear.

4. ¿Por qué es hoy más difícil que hace unos años promover una disciplina natural y un buen nivel académico en los alumnos? 


Para contestar a esta interesante (e inquietante) pregunta, conviene repasar algunos datos, no por increíbles, menos reales:
           1940                                                   1990
Hablar fuera de tiempo                         Abuso de drogas
Goma de mascar                                  Abuso de alcohol
Hacer ruido                                            Embarazos
Correr en los pasillos                           Suicidio
Deshacer la fila                                     Violaciones
Infracciones en el vestir                        Robos
Tirar basura                                           Asaltos
(‘INDICE DE INDICADORES CULTURALES IMPORTANTES’, William Bennett, Simon & Schuster, 1994).
Por otro lado, una realidad que no desconocen los docentes de ninguna parte del mundo surge del revelador informe Human Developmen Report, de 1998, con toda la crudeza de los números:
Gastos militares en el mundo                          U$S    780   billones
Narcóticos en el mundo                                  U$S    400   billones
Cigarrillos en Europa                                      U$S    105   billones
Entretenimientos en Japón                              U$S      35   billones
Alimentos para animales domésticos
en EE.UU. y Europa                                       U$S     17   billones
Salud básica y nutrición                                  U$S     13   billones
Perfumes en Europa y los EE.UU.                   U$S     12   billones
Servicios de reproducción para mujeres            U$S     12   billones
Helados en Europa                                         U$S     11   billones
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En medio de todo esto, el porcentaje de familias con uno de los padres en casa con los hijos todo el día, ha bajado notablemente, y muchos niños -o adolescentes- pasan horas frente al televisor y la computadora, y minutos compartiendo juegos o charlando con sus padres.

A pesar de vivir en plena era de la información y de estar sumergidos en el mundo de las más avanzadas telecomunicaciones, se experimenta un retroceso -todos los docentes lo saben- de las capacidades de lecto-escritura y comprensión de textos, en niños y adolescentes.
Problemas socio-económicos, dificultades afectivas, falta de horizontes, crisis de valores, fragmentación de la familia y desvalorización de las profesiones vinculadas a la enseñanza básica y universitaria no parecen ser los mejores factores para gozar de una disciplina natural y un buen nivel académico de los alumnos.

5. ¿Cómo despertar el interés y la motivación en la materia que desarrollo?
UNA RECETA SABROSA PARA DESPERTAR EL APETITO ¿Se puede motivar a las personas?

Definitivamente, no. Sólo es posible crear el clima para que se motiven a sí mismas. Ante el ambiente que se le ofrece cada uno decidirá si le interesa: si satisface sus necesidades.

‘NO SE PUEDE OBLIGAR A APRENDER A NADIE’. Así lo sostiene Ginger Black en ‘El Éxito Escolar’ (1990). Sería como forzarlo a comer. Una verdadera violación de su mente. Es el niño, adolescente o adulto quien tiene derecho a decidir lo que va a aprender, y cómo va a hacerlo. Esto equivale tanto a su ELECCIÓN propia, como a su RESPONSABILIDAD por ello.

Por eso motivar es un arte. Podríamos decir que la motivación cubre el espacio que existe entre la capacidad y el aprendizaje. Esto es, si nuestra capacidad es motivada (estimulada) para conseguir un determinado objetivo, se produce el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, si a pesar de poseer capacidad, no recibimos ninguna motivación, bien de nosotros mismos bien de otras personas, lo más probable es que no se consiga nada.

Una de las formas básicas más efectivas para motivar es la expectativa positiva. En los Estados Unidos, un estudio realizado sobre los profesores de escuelas secundarias reveló que, cuando demostraban esperar mucho de sus alumnos, ellos elevaban, por este solo hecho, en 25 puntos sus pruebas de C.I.

Otra de las formas más sólidas de motivar a los estudiantes es por medio del desarrollo personal. Señalando, o apuntando, al desarrollo personal. En psicología, por ejemplo, la llamada “ley de efecto” dice que los estudiantes adquirirán y recordarán las respuestas que conduzcan a la satisfacción después de los efectos o resultados. Una respuesta alabada será retenida por más tiempo que una no apreciada o considerada errónea”.


El psicólogo Abraham Maslow postuló, en los años ‘50, que existen 5 niveles de necesidades humanas, en orden ascendente. Los representó en su famosa ‘Pirámide’. Empleó esta forma geométrica porque la mayoría de la población está motivada por los niveles inferiores, y pocos llegan a satisfacer los más elevados.

¿Cómo motivar al estudiante con los niveles de Maslow? 
1. En la necesidad BÁSICA: 
*   Ambiente placentero de estudio, colores claros, alegresy ausencia de ruidos.
*   Pequeños premios materiales sobre los logros.
*   Materiales de estudio bien diseñados y presentados (buen equipamiento de útiles escolares y materiales detrabajo).
2. En la necesidad de SEGURIDAD: 
*  Apoyo afectivo de la familia y la institución educativa.
*   Normas de clasificación, notas y disciplina lógicas y justas.
3. En la necesidad de PERTENENCIA: 
*   Buenas relaciones humanas en la familia, el colegio y/o la universidad.
*  Integración en grupos.
*   Intercambio libre, con los compañeros, sobre los temas de cada materia.
*   Refuerzos sociales de familiares, profesores y pares.
*   Calificaciones justas.
*   Permanente estimulación a través de la meta que se
quiere alcanzar. Justamente la persistencia es lo que más nos conduce al éxito. Saber tolerar la frustración de actuar sin motivación en ciertos momentos, pero con la vista puesta en el éxito final. Esto ocurre con los atletas, que toleran entrenamientos aburridos o dolorosos a veces, con el deseo de superar sus marcas.
5. En la necesidad de AUTORREALIZACIÓN: 
*   Tareas interesantes, desafíos para la inventiva y la creatividad.
              *  Estructuración de las actividades acordes a las inclinaciones personales. 
              *   Uso combinado de los dos hemisferios cerebrales: elizquierdo (en los diestros) para razonar, analizar, elderecho para intuir, captar totalidades, representar con imágenes, metáforas, dramatizar. 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Creio que é hora...

Creio que chegou a hora de dizer adeus a algumas coisas, a algumas pessoas, a alguns momentos. 
Existem coisas, pessoas pelas quais já não devo lutar mais, devo resignar-me ao que tive e ao que alguma vez foi. Existem momentos que foram isso mesmo, MOMENTOS: bons, maus, mais ou menos mas todos eles, todas essas pessoas, todas essas coisas, bem ou mal me deixaram uma lição.

Em relação às coisas: existem simplesmente sonhos que NÃO se tornam realidade e essa é a verdade. Não digam que temos de lutar, que temos de tentar porque a verdade é essa, esse sonho NÃO se vai realizar.

Existem pessoas que não adianta que as queira muito. Isso não vai fazer com que elas me queiram de forma igual, não vai fazer sequer que elas gostem de mim. Tenho simplesmente de aceitar esse facto e viver a minha vida sem pensar que com elas seria melhor.

E em relação a momentos: que posso eu dizer? São tantossss, alguns muito bons, que cada vez que os recordo ponho-me feliz, desenho um sorriso. Outros não tão bons, que me fazem querer regressar no tempo e retirá-los da minha vida (e não, não quero saber se fazem parte da minha aprendizagem, simplesmente NÃO os queria ter vivido). 

If I had my life to live over...

Of course, you can’t unfry an egg, but there is no law against thinking about it.

If I had my life to live over, I would try to make more mistakes.
I would relax. I know of very few things that I would take seriously.
I would go more places. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers.
I would eat more ice cream and less bran.
I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary troubles.
You see, I have been one of those fellows who live prudently and sanely, hour after hour, day after day.
Oh, I have had my moments. But if I had it to do over again, I would have more of them – a lot more.
I never go anywhere without a thermometer, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute.
If I had it to do over, I would travel lighter.
If I had my life to live over, I would pay less attention to people telling us we must learn Latin or History; otherwise we will be disgraced and ruined and flunked and failed.
I would seek out more teachers who inspire relaxation and fun.
If I had my life to live over, I would start barefooted a little earlier in the spring and stay that way a little later in the fall.
I would shoot more paper wads at my teachers.
I would keep later hours.
I’d have more sweethearts.
I would go to more circuses.
I would be carefree as long as I could, or at least until I got some care- instead of having my cares in advance.
I doubt, however, that I’ll do much damage with my creed.
The opposition is too strong.
There are too many serious people trying to get everybody else to be too darned serious.

(there are several versions of this text circulating in Internet. The one above is attributed to Don Harold)

 Taken from
"I'm not sure God wants us to be happy. I think he wants us to love, and be loved. But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." - C. S. Lewis