Here is my drawing... PLEASE REMEMBER that it is my FIRST trial in this ...
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
My first Trial
Here is my drawing... PLEASE REMEMBER that it is my FIRST trial in this ...
Monday, 29 December 2008
Sites that may be helpful
So far... what I have found...
Mr Warner is a teacher who shows us his techniques...
A useful blog
To create comics
About wikispaces
Teaching ideas
Newspaper creations
Monday, 22 December 2008
Teenager Stress
Teenagers... feel very strong, are crazy for several things, the passion puts young teenagers... different, with different things and stress.
Many teenagers leads to smoke tobacco, drugs... or others who may feel the thing.
Being a teenager is the most complicated feeling in the world.
My comment to this essay:
I loved it!!!
Being a teenager can be and is really complicated but it is also the time that you can enjoy life. You have your friends, your family, you may sometimes relax and feel the moment. Enjoy life! CARPE DIEM!
My school
9º C
It has eight colourful benches and it gives access to six pavillions. We usually talk, laugh, dance, sing, drink and play in the table football.
What is this place?
The football field where we can't play
It's a big football field from school that can be rented for a period of time. Our Physical Education teacher never takes us there and we don't know why, but we think that it is because we don't behave well. We don't like our teacher because we would love playing there, it is the best place in school. This school is for noobs.
The first time we've played there, we only played like ten minutes and the girls played thirty minutes. This is so much wrong!!! It should be the other way. We have the gym. That's the place that our Physical Education teacher loves, we don't know why. We think it is so much stupid because we have that place. It is the worst place in the whole school and maybe in the whole world.
The football pitch
We love being in this place because we love playing football and talking in here.
We see the other school, we can see people running, we're with other groups.
At 7 pm, we are going to futsal training. Our team is GDBD (Grupo Desportivo dos Bons Dias).
Our hands are freezing, we don't feel our legs because it is very cold. Zé is joking with João Costa and Paulo.
It's getting dark and now we can see the stars and the lights.
I'm seeing a door... I love this door... It has a beautiful loker.
We are in the Physical Education building. Because we love this building. In here we have our favourite classes.
It's a cold place and we feel like real athlets. It's a cool place to be. Here we can buy cookies and chocolate.
It has some good chairs. We also have a table where we can read our mails. When somebody is hurt, this building has a first aid facility.
It's a colourful building. It has a good pitch. In this pitch it is played many sports: futsal, karate, basketball, volleyball and badminton.
In futsal the home team is BONS DIAS.
The teacher's room has a chair, a big table, some objects and a computer. We are looking to a poster that says: "As bolachas que te fazem voar."
This has some stairs that are going to the second floor. In here, we have a classroom and other rooms that have futsal balls. This building has a lot of lokers.
There are about 55 lokers.
We just love this place...
Monday, 15 December 2008
Andando a "blogar"...
Maravilhoso mesmo. ;)
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Cloze dictogloss
Some of you will surely ask what is a Cloze dictogloss... to my Ss it was also the first time but I think that they liked it... and they did some great effort.
Cloze dictogloss -- I read a poem (just once or twice) and students have to write all the words they can. Then, I give them the poem with some missing words (it could be verbs, pronouns, nouns or other words) and with the words they have, they have to write their poem.
Here are my Students' poems (a note: you were lucky because I didn't take pictures ;))
Note 2: Some of them don't make much sense... but that's the beauty of poetry, isn't?
Whenever I see
A new group of buildings
Impatient to grow up
How slow they grow at first.
The kids are so far ahead,
almost out of sight.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Some Students poems...
In the picture I see a woman
with a jar in her head
I don't know what she is thinking
But I do know one thing
I know what she's feeling
She's worried about her children.
and she is seeing
a lion
and her daughter
is hidden behind her
because she's scared
Two young Indian girls
Live in harmony with a native tribe
Why can't we live in harmony
with strange people of our country?
Love is protection, equality
comprehension and searching
Searching to be better to special ones.
Love is a supreme power.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
I'm happy
Monday, 1 December 2008
La Misma Luna / Under The Same Moon
" Es una historia de esperanza, de fortaleza, y de lazos de amor entre una madre y su hijo que jamás podrá ser roto."The bad thing is that it is in Spanish so people who can't understand Spanish... cannot understand it totally... mainly because it's the Spanish from Mexico... which is a little bit different from the one of Spain. But I really hope thay people see it because it is really great.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determiner of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports (a common name for some card games and board games with little to no element of chance) and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors. Sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. Sports differ from Games based on levels of organization and profit (not always monetary). Accurate records are kept and updated, while failures and accomplishments are widely announced.
Different Types of Sports
1. Basketball
2. Soccer
3. American Football
4. Cricket
5. Golf
6. Tennis
7. Jogg
8. Ski /Snowbard
9. Surf
10. Gymnastics
11. Baseball
12. Hockey
13. Volleyball
14. Squash
15. Swimming
16. ...
Monday, 24 November 2008
En mi dia de Cumpleaños
Muchas gracias a todos
Friday, 21 November 2008
Hoje estou virada "prás" artes...
E já que estou numa de falar desta minha colega.... Ana, não te esqueças do filme ( e para quem está a ler e pensa: "mas ela não vai ver isto" ... eu respondo: ai vai, vai que eu vou-lhe mandar o link :P)
Ahhhh... esqueci-de de dizer que terminei o meu longooo dia numa exposição maravilhosa de um colega nosso, José Assis, que está até 19 de Dezembro no CAO's. (em Odivelas). Vale a pena visitar.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away
Thursday, 6 November 2008
It's never that easy
Thursday, 23 October 2008
A minha aldeia...
Estive na minha aldeia há uns tempos atrás... e ao ler este poema não poderia de fazer aqui uma homenagem à Grande AZENHA DE CIMA hehe... Vejam como ainda é bonita esta pequena aldeia que fica lá "prós" lados de Castelo Branco.
Foto tirada por Fernanda Martins
Eu Sou do Tamanho do que Vejo
Da minha aldeia veio quanto da terra se pode ver no Universo...
Por isso a minha aldeia é tão grande como outra terra qualquer
Porque eu sou do tamanho do que vejo
E não, do tamanho da minha altura...
Nas cidades a vida é mais pequena
Que aqui na minha casa no cimo deste outeiro.
Na cidade as grandes casas fecham a vista à chave,
Escondem o horizonte, empurram o nosso olhar para longe de todo o céu,
Tornam-nos pequenos porque nos tiram o que os nossos olhos nos podem dar,
E tornam-nos pobres porque a nossa única riqueza é ver.
Fernando Pessoa
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Se, depois de eu morrer...
Monday, 29 September 2008
Our dreams
When we renounce our dreams we find peace and enjoy a brief period of tranquility, but the dead dreams begin to rot inside us and infect the whole atmosphere in which we live.What we hoped to avoid in the Good Fight -disappointment and defeat- become the sole legacy of our cowardice.
Um desenho que fiz
E já agora uma oferta de um aluno meu.... João . "Brigadão" João. Está muito porreiro.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Inscrevi o meu blog num concurso...
no fundo concorri mais por concorrer...
no fundo participar é que é importante....
Desejem-me sorte!
The roller coaster is my life...
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008
Knowing how to listen to insults
In a kingdom of Arabia lived a queen called Layla. Her wisdom illuminated the land like the sun, her beauty blinded men, and her wealth was greater than any of her subjects.
One morning, her chief advisor asked to see her, and said:
- Great queen Layla! You are the wisest, most beautiful and wealthiest women in the world. But I have heard unpleasant things; some people laugh at or complain about your decisions. Why, in spite of all you have done for your subjects, are they still not content?
The queen laughed and replied:
- Loyal advisor, you know how much I have done for my kingdom. Seven regions are under my control, and all of them have enjoyed peace and prosperity. In all the towns, the decisions of my court are just and inspired.
"I can do almost everything I wish. I can order the frontiers to be closed, the gates of the palace to be locked, the treasury coffers sealed indefinitely.
"But there is one thing I cannot do: make the people shut their mouths. It matters not what false things people say; the important thing is to continue to do that which I consider to be true."
Friday, 19 September 2008
Danna, mi actriz favorita, me hice sentir muy feliz...
Monday, 1 September 2008
Friday, 22 August 2008
E porque hoje ando nisto de "blogar.."
Quero, terei
Quero, terei -
Se não aqui,
Noutro lugar que ainda não sei.
Nada perdi.
Tudo serei.
Fernando Pessoa
The day is coming...
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Quem corre por gosto não cansa...
Sunday, 10 August 2008
FAZES-ME FALTA, por Isabel Fernandes
Sempre que não estás aqui, fazes-me falta. Sinto a tua falta quando estás e me continuas a faltar. Do que sinto mais falta é de ti. Para falar, partilhar, barafustar ou só para estar!Em silêncio.Por mais que gostemos de nós, e que nos habituemos a ser só nós, quando um não está faz falta. E tu fazes-me falta.Imagino-te e a tudo o que te digo, existes quando te conto meus receios, minhas venturas e desventuras diárias, minhas alegrias. Existes por repartir contigo minha vida. Mas porque não estás fazes-me falta.Vivo e vives comigo.Conto-te sentimentos e dou-me a ti, corpo e alma. É contigo que converso. É de ti que me lembro todos os dias. É a ti que dedico muitos dos meus momentos, mesmo que não existas, que aqui não estejas e que me faças falta.É de ti que gosto (porque te imagino como quero - só com as coisas boas que gostaria que fosses e quando tens defeitos - as coisas más - discuto-as contigo). Ralhamos, mas sempre resolvemos os arrufos, fazemos as pazes. Faço as pazes contigo e com todos.Leio. E leio para aprender. Quanto mais aprendo mais te sinto comigo e mais me fazes falta."Fazes-me falta" é título numa obra de uma qualquer autora famosa, que me inspirou para ser o teu título. 'Fazes-me falta' é, também, a minha verdade.Fazes-me falta porquê? Porque te tenho quando te crio, ou porque não existes verdadeiramente, mas só para mim.Choro para ti. Partilho a tristeza, quando se instala. Partilho a solidão, que me acorda e me mostra que não és. No entanto, rio contigo, por ti e para ti.Gosto de ti.Tu és eu. Eu não sou tu.És de quem eu preciso, quem eu queria comigo. Sempre. Ou só quando preciso de ti.Já te imaginei de muitas formas e com muitos nomes. Já te vi e desejei noutros que nada tinham de mim. Ou teriam e convenci-me que não. Mas não é fácil igualar-te. Porque és eu!?! Sim, se calhar. Para me fazeres falta tinhas que ser como gosto de ti. Por isso te foste, te deixei ir. Porque não soubeste ser eu.És a minha estrela e acredito que estás aí para mim. Observas-me e mandas-me anjos que me vão querendo. Eu a eles vou renunciando, porque te tenho na mente e só a ti quero. Erro! Claro! Assim não vens, nem és ninguém. Mesmo que comigo estejas não te vou ver. Sei isso, mas só a ti quero. Quantos anjos se vão cruzar comigo, quantos vou deixando partir?Sinto a tua falta. Não te tenho.Fico inquieta quando não cumpres o que imaginei para ti. Fico zangada quando não fazes como imaginei. Fico triste quando me continuas a fazer falta e estás para tudo e todos e nunca para mim.Se existisses serias lindo e tudo para mim. Eu existo e gostaria que tu também - não como és, mas como te vejo. Outro erro! Claro! Não podemos ser nos outros. Os outros não serão nunca nós. Por isso te devia gostar sempre que aqui estás e te chamas o que não imaginei ou não és o que criei.Fazes-me falta.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
My drawings
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Five things I have to do before I die
1. Meet Danna García ( she is an amazing actress in case you're asking)
2. Write a book (well.. I'm no good with words but damn... I will write one... maybe it won't sell... but I will :P)
3. Go to New York at Christmas (it's a romantic dream I know :P)
4. Own a school (half rich, half poor) - We all have to dream :P
5. Be rich... Yeah, definitely a dream haha
P.S - Let me tell you that this was to be the 10 wish list but I have no idea what I really want...
P.S. 2 - I know that getting married and have a son should be in this list but who knows me, also knows that I'm not that kind of person... ;)
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Maravilhosa surpresa
Friday, 6 June 2008
Uma aula diferente...
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Uma semana diferente....
A partir deste blog quero agradecer às minhas 3 turmas porque sem elas nada disto seria possível. Se não fosse o trabalho árduo (muito árduo) que eles efectuaram, não teríamos a sala linda que temos agora. Agradecer também aos professores que foram sempre prestáveis e ajudaram no que puderam. Esta semana foi diferente e podem verificar pelas fotos. Para o ano... haverá outra? Esperemos que sim.